Welcome fellow bullet journal enthusiasts! Amazon Prime Day is upon us and it’s the perfect time to stock up on all of your favorite bullet journal supplies! If you’re anything like me, then you’re obsessed with stationery items. My husband has literally asked me on several occasions whether I have enough pens or not. Of course, the answer is always no. I am so excited to share with all of your my absolute favorite bullet journal supplies I’ve gotten off of Amazon! All of these items I own and literally use every day so they are bought by me and put through the crazy test of living with me and my 6-year-old who thinks everything that is mine is also hers.
This blog post contains affiliate links to products. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. All of the products I share have either been items I have purchased myself and love, or items that come highly recommended and I would purchase in the future.
Essential Tools for Bullet Journaling
Bullet Journaling is such a versatile activity. Everyone does things differently and uses different supplies which is what makes bullet journaling so accessible. The basic bullet journaling supplies are essentially any notebook and any writing utensil. That is exactly how I got started. Things have now morphed into something more now that it’s become a daily habit and hobby.
I’ve used so many different notebooks for bullet journaling and my favorite is a B5 dot notebook with super thick pages. This is the first year I’ve used a B5 size notebook and I absolutely love the additional room it provides. Previously, I’ve used an A5 notebook, which I think is probably the most common. Here are my two favorite notebooks on Amazon of either size.
A5: VIVID SCRIBBLES Dotted Journal – 160gsm Bleed Proof Thick White Paper – 200 Numbered Dot Grid Pages – 5.8 x 8.3 inch Dotted Bullet Notebook

You can obviously use any pen in your journal but there are ways to level up you pen game as well. I’ve gone back and forth between a couple of classic black pen options. I always go for the multi-packs of the black pigment liners. I started with the SAKURA Pigma Micron Fineliner Pens. The thing that is so great about these is that they have archival ink which won’t smear. Most recently I have been using the STAEDTLER Pigment Liner which I’ve loved but I might be switching back to the SAKURA pens again because of the archival ink.
Creative Must-Haves for Bullet Journaling
This is where bullet journaling can become expensive. For me, bullet journal is also a creative outlet for me so I use a lot of “extras” in my journal that you don’t necessarily need. These types of things include, washi tape, stickers, colorful pens, highlighters, etc. While these items are required for bullet journaling, they can definitely help you level up your journal.
Washi Tape
I love, love, love washi tape (so does my 6-year-old). I use it two different ways in my journal: as decoration and as reference points.
Decorative Washi Tape
I love using decorative washi tape to add a little interest to my journal. Sometimes I’ll come across washi tape that inspires me and sometimes I have to search for washi tape that goes with my theme. A great way to get a variety of washi tape with patterns is to purchase a multi-pack on Amazon. I recently bought this pack and really love a lot of the patterns.

Reference Washi Tape
I consider solid washi tape as “reference” washi tape. For this year, I have been lining the edges of all of my pages with a coordinating washi tape that does with the theme of the month. This helps me get to the section I need to get to easily and gives me an easy visual of how many pages a certain month is using. You can also use washi tape to make a tab to make it easier to get to certain spots in your journal.

Colored Writing Utensils
This is probably where I get into the most trouble, I just can’t seem to get enough markers and brush pens to satisfy my journaling needs. I started off with a really inexpensive set of colored fineliners and brush pens. I have since graduated to a Tombow addiction. While the inexpensive set of liner and brushpens were great as I was getting started, you can really tell the difference in quality with the Tombows. I also love a good Zebra Mildliner for highlighting.
Miscellaneous Bullet Journal Supplies
- Archival Ink Pad — The absolute best ink for stamping and not smearing. Dries super fast.
- Clear Stamp Block — pivotal when using calendar stamps and trying to line them up with the dot grid.
- White Out Tape — because we all make mistakes.
- White Out Pens — because sometimes those mistakes are super small. Also great for highlighting.
- Metal Ruler — perfect for measuring your journal and a great straight edge for cutting washi tape.
- Circle Drawing Tool — one of my favorite stencils.
- Mini Post-It Notes — perfect for labeling/planning spreads.