I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am to share our Disney trip with you all. This trip has been almost two years in the making and has morphed so much during those two years. After all the ups and downs I am home and excited to say that visiting Disney during a…
Plan with Me| August 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up
I am super excited about my August 2020 Bullet Journal. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love peacocks. I have a lot of peacock decorations around my house and our wedding was peacock themed! When I was planning my August theme, I just knew I had to do peacocks since August is also my…
Bullet Journal Flip Through July 2020
July is officially over and now it’s time to flip through July 2020 in my bullet journal. I am so proud of my July 2020 bullet journal. I made my very first stencil for my journal and it worked perfectly. I love the ice cream theme and the colors! It was just nice to take…
First Half of 2020 Bullet Journal Flip Through
Back in June, I finished my Scribbles that Matter Journal. The entire first half of 2020 fit into the journal which was great! Overall I very much enjoyed my journal the first half of the year. I felt like I grew so much! I always consider myself very minimalist, but this year I wanted to…
Bullet Journal Flip Through | June 2020
June is probably one of my favorite months out of the year. School is done (I mean that kinda applies to this year too right?), summer begins, and it’s the month of our wedding anniversary. When I started my June 2020 bullet journal spreads, I didn’t know we would be taking a beach vacation for…
Book Review | The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
When The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins was first announced back in October of 2019, I was skeptical. It was described as the story of young President Snow and that the reader was going to see Snow in a different light. My first reactions to this were “how in the heck am…
Plan with Me | July 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up
It’s been a goal of mine to be more creative in my journal and this July 2020 bullet journal monthly spread is my most creative yet. Back in June I had my instagram followers choose which theme I did for July and they chose ice cream over bumblebees. I must admit I am happy with…