One thing I have found very enjoyable is creating trackers in my bullet journal. Not only is it fun to design the tracker, but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment once you have completed the tracker. One of my favorite types of trackers to make is what I call a Series Tracker. These are designed to help you keep track of something that has multiple parts.
Harry Potter Series Tracker
At the beginning of the year I felt the urge to reread the entire Harry Potter series and intended on rewatching all of the movies again. I knew this was going to take me a while so I created a tracker that would track my progress. Below you can see a picture of my tracker.

As you can see, each book is broken down by chapters and then there is a place at the end to track the movies. I was sorted into Hufflepuff so I used the Hufflepuff crest to give the page a little pizzazz!
Downton Abbey Episode Tracker
Another series tracker I created was for Downton Abbey. I never watched Downton Abbey until this year. Needless to say I LOVED IT! Below you can see my episode tracker for the series.

Obviously you can see I tracked each episode watched in each season. I also added the movie onto the tracker since that was coming out this year too. I loved the silhouette look of the abbey.
Gilmore Girls Episode Tracker
The third series tracked I created this year was for Gilmore Girls. I just recently decided to watch Gilmore Girls because I saw a meme saying “don’t give me parenting advice unless it’s from Lorelai Gilmore.” This piqued my interest! There are so many seasons and episodes of Gilmore Girls that I knew I needed a tracker!

I love love love using the fonts from the show to title my trackers. (I’ll show you how I do this in a later post.) As you can see I ran out of room on the two pages so I added a little flap to the side. I also made a couple of mistakes as far as number of episodes so I tried to cover/decorate with washi tape. I don’t love the washi but whatever. You live, you learn.
I hope these trackers inspire you to make your own. I also think it will be fun to look back and see what I watched throughout any given year when I’m older and reminiscing.