Welcome fellow bullet journal enthusiasts! Amazon Prime Day is upon us and it’s the perfect time to stock up on all of your favorite bullet journal supplies! If you’re anything like me, then you’re obsessed with stationery items. My husband has literally asked me on several occasions whether I have enough pens or not. Of…
May 2022 Update
Well, it’s been a while but after a long hiatus I am finally in the swing of things. It is finally May and all the things are happening! I can officially say that we will be traveling to Disney NEXT MONTH! But before the 1000-ish mile journey, I have a lot to do this month.…
Hogwarts Themed Bullet Journal Set Up
Hey guys! Welcome back to another plan with me. Of course, I am behind— I guess that’s the beauty of working two jobs and having an almost 5-year-old. I’m super excited to share my Hogwarts themed bullet journal set up I did for the month of September. I feel like I do Harry Potter themes…
August 2021 Bullet Journal Set Up
I am only a month and a half behind but who’s keeping track? August is such a love/hate month for me. I love it because it’s finally super hot here in Pennsylvania and I live in the pool the whole month. It’s also my birthday month which is an added bonus. I hate it because…
July 2021 Bullet Journal Set Up| The Bees Knees
Happy Summer! I am so excited to be back in my journal after far too long! For July, I decided to do a bee-themed. I’ve been wanting to do this theme for a while now and July was the perfect month! This month I keep things relatively simple with a two-page cover, a calendar spread,…
May the Fourth 2021
Obviously, if you’re not a Star Wars fan you have no idea what I’m talking about right now, but Happy May the 4th 2021! Let me explain. Sometimes on earth, we will say, “break a leg” or “good luck” but in the Star Wars universe, they say “may the force be with you”. May the…
How to Start Bullet Journaling Today
The other day I guested on my husband’s entertainment podcast, From a Certain Point of View, and it came to the part in the podcast where we could shine a light on our own blogs or podcasts and I basically froze. How do I tell a community of entertainment people about Bullet Journaling? Even though…