September plan with me hogwarts themed bullet journal set up

Hogwarts Themed Bullet Journal Set Up

Hey guys! Welcome back to another plan with me. Of course, I am behind— I guess that’s the beauty of working two jobs and having an almost 5-year-old. I’m super excited to share my Hogwarts themed bullet journal set up I did for the month of September. I feel like I do Harry Potter themes…

august 2021 bullet journal plan with me cover

August 2021 Bullet Journal Set Up

I am only a month and a half behind but who’s keeping track? August is such a love/hate month for me. I love it because it’s finally super hot here in Pennsylvania and I live in the pool the whole month. It’s also my birthday month which is an added bonus. I hate it because…

july 2021 bullet journal plan with me cover

July 2021 Bullet Journal Set Up| The Bees Knees

Happy Summer! I am so excited to be back in my journal after far too long! For July, I decided to do a bee-themed. I’ve been wanting to do this theme for a while now and July was the perfect month! This month I keep things relatively simple with a two-page cover, a calendar spread,…

How to Start Bullet Journaling Today

The other day I guested on my husband’s entertainment podcast, From a Certain Point of View, and it came to the part in the podcast where we could shine a light on our own blogs or podcasts and I basically froze. How do I tell a community of entertainment people about Bullet Journaling? Even though…